The importance of proper dental care

Many people fail to understand that regular visits to the dentist are as important as regular visits to the doctor. Oral health can be indicative of our general health and a good dentist can diagnose and prevent serious oral conditions such as cavities and gum disease.

At Smilecraft, we believe that dental hygiene should be a priority and we urge our patients to visit the dentist in Stevenage at least twice a year. Depending on the state of your teeth and your individual situation, you may need to visit more frequently. Even if you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly on a daily basis, chances are that you will still develop plaque, which can lead to gum disease and other oral health complications if left untreated.

Dentist in StevenageSaving time and money

Proper oral hygiene has many benefits and the most important is that it saves you time and money. If you neglect to brush, floss and rinse your teeth with a mouthwash daily, you will eventually suffer from cavities or gum disease. Moreover, only a dentist in Stevenage can remove all plaque from your teeth effectively and examine for signs of oral disease. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings prevent problems from happening and will save you from extensive and expensive treatments in the future.

It’s not only about your teeth

Many people fail to understand that when they are neglecting their teeth and oral health, they are actually neglecting their general health. Many studies have shown a correlation between bad oral health and conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease. By having your teeth and gums checked and cleaned at least twice a year, you can dramatically improve your quality of life and overall wellness.

Make your oral health a priority

Brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis is the first step to improving your oral health and preventing oral disease. The second step is visiting the dentist every six months for regular examinations and cleanings. If you stick to this plan, you will spend less time in the dentist’s chair and more time enjoying your life. If you are interested in booking a consultation appointment with a dentist in Stevenage, contact us today.