Everyone wants a great smile. It helps people to look younger and more attractive, and results in much higher levels of self-confidence. Here at Smilecraft, we work with our patients to offer solutions that help them to get the smile that they deserve. The options include white fillings in Stevenage, teeth whitening and veneers. Here, we explain how each of these treatments can help.

White fillings
It used to be that metal fillings were the only option for patients who needed this kind of treatment. Though they are effective, they often cause the patient to feel self-conscious about others noticing metal in their mouths. They do not look at all natural and can be quite obvious when a person is laughing or even just talking.
White fillings in Stevenage are the solution to these issues. They can be tailored to the patient so that they match their natural teeth perfectly. This means that the fillings will seamlessly blend in with the teeth, so that there is no evidence of them at all and the teeth look completely natural.
Old metal fillings can easily be taken out and replaced with white ones, helping to restore the patient’s teeth to their former glory. The material that is used for these new fillings is very robust and can withstand many years of use. White fillings in Stevenage are a quick and convenient way to improve the smile as it can be completed within just one appointment with us.
Teeth whitening
Many people find that as the years pass, their teeth lose their bright white sparkle and become dulled, yellowed and sometimes stained. Fortunately, we can help bring the smile back to its youthful best with our professional whitening service.
It is an easy and straightforward process. The patient visits us to have impressions taken of their teeth. This allows us to create trays that fit their teeth perfectly. We issue the trays alongside a whitening gel. The patient applies the gel to the trays and wears them during sleep for a couple of weeks.
This treatment is completely painless, and the trays are very comfortable because they are custom made to fit the patient exactly. It usually involves merely one or two appointments to get a smile that rivals that of any Hollywood celebrity.
Sometimes the colour of the teeth and staining is not the only issue that the patient needs resolved to get a natural bright great looking smile. When they also have chips, cracks and other damage to the teeth, veneers can offer a means of correcting a combination of issues with just one treatment.
Veneers are very thin shell-like structures that are applied to the teeth as a type of covering. They can conceal a multitude of flaws to give the patient a smile that they feel great about. Some patients even choose veneers as an alternative to some types of orthodontic treatment.
The results with veneer treatment are instant, and it is usually complete in only one or two appointments. This makes it a convenient option for many patients.