Cosmetic braces: a guide to subtle tooth straightening

Braces remain the most reliable and predictable way to straighten teeth. At Smilecraft Dental Care in Stevenage, we understand that for many adults who would like to have their teeth straightened, the thought of conventional metal braces is enough to put them off seeking treatment. That’s why we offer a far subtler route to straighter teeth. . .

cosmetic-bracesTeeth straightening: the benefits

Straightening your teeth can have a positive impact on your body image and self-esteem, but did you know it will also benefit your dental and general health?

It’s not complicated, when you think about it. Properly aligned teeth are easier to keep clean, because there are fewer gaps in which food particles and dental plaque can build up. So long as you visit your dentist and hygienist regularly and have a good home routine of brushing and flossing, straightening your teeth with cosmetic braces can reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental decay and gum disease are both leading causes of tooth loss, which can cause serious problems for your diet and your general health. Therefore, teeth straightening is a step in the right direction for your overall health and wellbeing.

Stevenage cosmetic braces

The majority of adults to come into our Stevenage dental practice interested in teeth straightening treatment are concerned about the teeth that show when they smile. Known as the “social six” teeth, when they are misaligned or crooked it can make you feel too self-conscious to smile in public.

We offer treatment with Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces at our Stevenage clinic. This clever system of braces takes the traditional principles of orthodontic treatment and modernises them to create a subtle and effective 21st-Century brace system.

Comprising clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, these braces blend in with the natural shade of your teeth, whilst at the same time acting in as little as six months. The majority of cases at our Stevenage practice are complete within nine months.

You will need to attend monthly check-ups at our Stevenage dental practice during treatment to make sure it is progressing as planned, and to make adjustments as necessary.