Cosmetic braces: making your smile dreams come true

Cosmetic braces provide a dentist with a fast, subtle, and effective method of straightening adult teeth. At Smilecraft Dental Care in Stevenage we have used the popular Six Month Smiles system of cosmetic braces to straighten the teeth of scores of happy patients. Read on to discover how you, too, could benefit from treatment.

six-month-smilesNo more metal braces

In the 21st Century, metal braces are not the only option for straightening teeth. Whilst they remain popular with children and teenagers, who enjoy the customisation options available with modern metal fixed appliances that enable them to use their brace as a fashion statement.

However, at our Stevenage dental practice, we appreciate that a fixed metal appliance can be a barrier to orthodontic treatment for many adults, because an obvious metal braceis not particularly compatible with a busy professional lifestyle.

Stevenage cosmetic braces

Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces are not designed for major correction of issues affecting the bite – how the jaws meet each other – but for rapid correction of issues affecting the front teeth they can be the perfect solution.

It is these “social six” front teeth that the majority of adults who come to our Stevenage dental practice are concerned about – in other words, the teeth that show when you flash a smile.

Although Six Month Smiles are classed as cosmetic braces, at our Stevenage dental clinic we are always keen to point out that there are health benefits to teeth straightening, too. By improving the alignment of your teeth it makes them easier to keep clean, because there are fewer tricky areas where plaque can build up.

As long as you come in for regular appointments with the dentist and hygienist at our Stevenage clinic, Six Month Smiles can help to reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease – two leading causes of tooth loss.

These braces comprise clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, which means that they blend in with the natural colour of your teeth. They also employ lower forces that standard orthodontic appliances, which makes treatment a lot more comfortable. In as little as six months, you could have a beautifully-aligned smile.