Discreet orthodontics – the subtle way to straighten your teeth

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the alignment of the teeth, as well as with the bite – how your jaws meet together. At Smilecraft dental practice in Stevenage we offer an alternative to conventional orthodontic treatment for patients who need mild to moderate cosmetic correction of their teeth.

discreet-orthodonticsMany people, on hearing the word “orthodontics”, automatically picture the traditional metal braces worn by teenagers. The concept is enough to give many adults the shivers, and put them off seeking orthodontic treatment.

However, the field of orthodontics has advanced rapidly in the past three decades, and there are now a number of more discreet alternatives available. At our Stevenage dental practice we are pleased to offer treatment with Six Month Smiles.

Orthodontics no longer need to mean metal braces. Whilst these are still popular with teenagers, who often view them as a rite of passage at school or college, and who are now able to enjoy customisation options such as colourising their braces to match their favourite sports team, it’s not hard to see why obvious metal appliances with a reputation for long treatment times are incompatible with professional adult lifestyles.

Discreet orthodontics in Stevenage

Six Month Smiles are fixed braces, but there won’t be a single glint of metal on show. These braces take the traditional principles of orthodontics and modernise them to create an appliance suitable for the 21st Century.

These braces comprise clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, which means that they will blend in with the natural colour of your teeth and not be immediately obvious in everyday life. What’s more, treatment time with these braces is much shorter than the times associated with traditional orthodontics.

As you may have guessed from the name, the average treatment time with Six Month Smiles is just half a year. Some cases are complete in half that time, and most are finished within nine months. They work so fast because they focus on the front teeth – those that show when you smile – and use special gentle forces to move your teeth.

To find out more about Six Month Smiles, get in touch with our Stevenage dental practice and book a consultation with a dentist.