Is it normal to need braces?

Growing up, trips to the dentist are an unavoidable must, especially when we are young and our teeth and gums are still developing. It is quite common for a large percentage of people in England to need braces at some stage of their life.

braces-in-stevenageOnce the baby teeth have grown out, the second, permanent teeth come through, and it is these that sometimes grow at different rates or angles for various reasons. Braces are used to keep the growing teeth aligned and help them to develop in the areas of the mouth that they should be. The braces will be left on for a number of months, sometimes years, depending on the individual patient’s needs.

Nowadays it is more common to see grown adults with braces too; for us at Smilecraft Dental Care in Stevenage, braces can offer an opportunity to children and adults to help them get the smile they always wanted. Braces are a normal part of growing up for many young people, and the benefits far outweigh any negatives. There are different types of braces to choose from too, so if you are worried about colour or how they will look, there’s no need. Currently you can choose from the following types of braces:

–      Clear braces

–      Lingual Braces

–      Gold Plated Braces

–      Stainless Steel Braces

–      Titanium Braces

If you are considering braces, Stevenage is home to Smilecraft Dental Care, where a qualified dentist can fit the braces for you and advise you on how to best look after them whilst they are on.

It is beneficial to get braces when you are younger, as not only will it be covered by the NHS if you are under the age of eighteen, but you will likely need them on for less time if you are younger and the teeth are easier to manipulate.

So, for braces in Stevenage, contact Smilecraft Dental Care, and if you are worried about the thought of having braces fitted, think about the benefits to your mouth, speech, and overall smile if you have them, rather than the short-term problems or embarrassment they could cause.