Six Month Smiles: the faster way to a beautiful smile

At Smilecraft Dental Care in Stevenage, orthodontics is the practice used to reposition your teeth more quickly and comfortably, thanks to the latest cutting-edge technology.

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with improving the appearance, position and function of crooked or abnormally arranged teeth.

six-month-smilesBraces are a common treatment for our patients in Stevenage.Orthodontics is treatment for correcting the position of the teeth, and in some special cases, patients also have to wear headgear at night and possibly even have some teeth removed. This, along with traditional metal braces, have, over the years, acquired orthodontics a reputation for sometimes inflicting two or three pain-filled years on patients.

In fact, many people have been put off by the stories of the sores that can develop on gums and teeth, and the actual pain in the teeth as they endure the forces used to move them, to say nothing of the embarrassment of a mouth ‘full of metal’.

At Smilecraft, we use a different braces technology to treat people who only need to have their teeth straightened, and do not require any major corrections to their bite. It’s called Six Month Smiles, which has several advantages of over traditional braces.

  • Six Month Smiles take between four and nine months to deliver great results.
  • The braces use standard orthodontic mechanics to move the teeth, but because the aim is cosmetic appearance rather than the position of the bite, the force used to reposition the teeth are gentler.
  • The braces in Stevenage generally work out much cheaper than traditional braces.

When you come to us you will be under the care of either Dr Bradley Abrahams or Dr Caroline Hildebrand. Bradley has been a dentist for nearly 30 years, and started our practice in Stevenage back in 1990. He is particularly interested in cosmetic dentistry, the art of giving people a sparkling smile, and has been a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry for a long time.

If you would like to find out more about braces and orthodontics in Stevenage, contact us at Smilecraft on 01438 351151, or email us at