The health benefits of cosmetic braces

Cosmetic braces are designed to realign your teeth more subtly than traditional orthodontic appliances. At Smilecraft in Stevenage we are keen to point out that cosmetic orthodontic treatment is about more than just aesthetics; there are health benefits to be gained from straightening your teeth, too.

cosmetic-bracesOrthodontic treatment is pretty standard for children and teenagers, but an increasing number of adults are seeking teeth straightening help too. The main problem for many adults in need of treatment is that they picture traditional metal train-track braces. In the 21st Century these are not the only option; there are now a number of more discreet ways a dentist or orthodontist can straighten your teeth.

What are the health benefits of braces?

One of the most obvious health benefits of treatment with cosmetic braces is the boost it can give to your self-esteem. Many patients who have had this treatment at our Stevenage dental practice report a big jump in self-confidence, with an increased sense of wellbeing benefitting both their personal and professional lives.

It should also be noted that straighter teeth tend to be healthier teeth. With fewer gaps in which particles of food can get trapped, brushing and flossing is made easier. Combine this with regular visits to the dentist and hygienist and your chances of developing gum disease are significantly reduced. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in the UK, and can cause symptoms including swollen and bleeding gums.

Easier tooth cleaning also helps to reduce your risk of dental decay. This means your teeth will stay healthy and strong, and you won’t need as many fillings.

At Smileworks in Stevenage, we offer treatment with Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces. These tooth-coloured appliances work in a very short period of time, because they focus on the front six to eight teeth – those on display when you smile.