With modern diets containing excessive amounts of sugar, there is an increased likelihood of patients seeking dental treatment for cavities. Cavities, if not treated at a dental clinic, inevitably leads to tooth decay and tooth loss. While sugar is the main culprit in tooth decay, there are other contributory factors. These factors include bacteria entering the tooth structure through chips and fractures in the outer layer of the tooth.

Dental practitioners rely on fillings to save a tooth from progressive decay. At Smilecraft dental clinic we offer our patients the option of choosing White Fillings in Stevenage to prevent cavities from completely destroying teeth.
4 Reasons why patients choose White Fillings in Stevenage
Patients are already familiar with the silver fillings, also referred to as, amalgam fillings. Improvements in dental technologies and materials have made available white fillings as an alternative option. At our dental clinic we find that more and more patients prefer this option over amalgam fillings. Here’s why.
- Aesthetic value
A top concern of patients having to seek treatment for teeth cavities are cosmetic in nature. A key benefit of composite fillings is that the fillings can be matched to the colour of the patient’s teeth. This means that these fillings are less noticeable as compared to silver fillings.
- Lower price tag compared to other dental treatments
White Fillings in Stevenage are a more cost effective option for patients who need to treat a broken tooth. This treatment method costs less than opting to have porcelain crowns cover shape defects.
- Minimal drilling required
Unlike the standard filling treatment, composite fillings require less preparation. As the filling material bonds to the teeth, drilling may only be needed to remove evidence of dental decay.
- Replacing white fillings are relatively less complicated
Should it happen that filling needs to be replaced, the method to replacing composite fillings is far easier than replacing an amalgam filling. The area that is damaged can be easily removed and replaced. This comparatively less complicated than having to remove the entire silver filling before cleaning out the cavity and filling it in again.
Carefully consider filling materials
One of the most frequently asked questions by our patients who have to consider filling treatments is – How to choose the best treatment method for their dental health? We advise patients to consider the choice of materials available to make sure that they choose the most suitable option that is in their best interests.
Composite fillings are made from a composite resin material that includes plastics and other materials such as silica and dimethylglyoxime. This compound material ensures that the filling is successfully secured to the tooth’s surface.
The benefits of composite resin material include:
- White fillings are mercury free.
- Composite fillings are more durable and offer increased resistance to breakage.
- Tooth sensitivity is decreased.
Do you need to check the condition of your teeth? Why not schedule a check-up with one of our experienced dental practitioners today? Give us a call at Smilecraft. We look forward to helping you achieve excellent oral health.