Clear braces that work in as little as six months

Braces mean metal contraptions, right? Not any more. At Stevenagedental practice Smilecraft we offer a far more discreet alternative. What if we told you that you could have straighter teeth in as little as six months, without the need to wear obvious metal appliances? This may well sound too good to be true, but thanks to Six Month Smiles it is a reality for an increasing number of patients. Read on to discover how you could join them. . .

clear-bracesSix Month Smiles: thoroughly modern braces

Six Month Smiles are cosmetic braces that move your teeth gently and discreetly. At our Stevenagedental practice we have helped scores of adults to straighten their teeth with the help of Six Month Smiles.

Your journey to straighter teeth begins with a consultation with a cosmetic dentist here at our Stevenage practice. They will assess your suitability for treatment with Six Month Smiles. It should be noted that these are cosmetic braces and are not designed to correct major issues with your bite – we will discuss alternative options should you require more extensive correction. However, if you are primarily concerned with straightening your front teeth, then Six Month Smiles could just be the perfect option for you.

These braces take the traditional principles of orthodontics and modernise them. They comprise clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, which blend in so well with the natural colour of your teeth that many people won’t notice them in everyday life.

Six Month Smiles are also designed to be more comfortable than traditional orthodontic appliances. They are effective at treating gappy, crooked, crowded or misaligned front teeth, and as the name suggests the average treatment time is just six months. Some cases are complete more quickly; when you come to our Stevenage practice for a consultation your dentist will advise you how long your treatment should last.