Cosmetic braces: an excellent way to straighten your smile

Cosmetic braces such as Six Month Smiles are designed to help adults straighten their teeth without the hassle or social embarrassment of traditional orthodontic appliances. At Stevenagedental practice Smilecraft, our experienced team has helped scores of patients to improve the appearance of their smile in this way – quickly, comfortably, and discreetly.

cosmetic-bracesAt our Stevenagedental surgery, we have found that many adults want to straighten their teeth, but equally have no desire to wear obvious metal braces. It’s not difficult to see why glaringly obvious metal appliances are incompatible with a hectic adult lifestyle. That’s why we are pleased to offer an alternative.

Six Month Smiles are a reliable, comfortable, subtle and cost-effective alternative to metal braces. They are not suitable for extensive orthodontic correction, where your bite requires major alteration, but are an excellent option in the case of mild to moderate cosmetic orthodontic issues.

If you are interested in treatment with Six Month Smiles, we invite you to join us at our Stevenage clinic for a consultation with a cosmetic dentist. They will carefully examine your teeth and your bite to assess if Six Month Smiles is appropriate in your case.

So long as it is the best treatment, we will then take impressions and measurements as necessary so that your cosmetic braces can be custom-made to fit your teeth.

Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces comprise tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires and clear brackets, meaning that they will blend into your mouth and not be immediately noticeable in your day-to-day life. Because they use lower forces than in traditional orthodontics, most people also find Six Month Smiles more comfortable.

Six months is the average treatment time. Some cases are complete in half that time, and most people finish treatment within nine months. Treatment is this fast because it focuses on the front teeth that show when you smile.