Everything you need from your dentist in Stevenage

When you join a dentist in Stevenage, your new home town, you want to know you will have access to a full range of services. At Smilecraft, we can take of your needs and that of your family, offering treatments for all ages.

Dentist in StevenageTreatments for children

Children need special help from the dentist in Stevenage with preventing decay. Kids eat more sugary snacks than adults and aren’t yet very good at brushing their teeth well enough to get rid of decay-causing plaque. So, here at Smilecraft, we help make it easier for them, not only with toothbrushing lessons from our hygienists, but with special treatments to prevent decay. Fluoride treatments help make the enamel more resistant to decay. Painting back teeth with fissure sealants puts a barrier between them and the acids that erode tooth enamel. We can also keep an eye out for signs that your child is going to need treatment to get their teeth to come through straight.

Treatments for adults

In early and mid-adulthood, on top of regular check-ups and any maintenance work, a lot of our work as a dentist in Stevenage is about making sure you have the lovely smile you deserve. We make smiles look wonderful with adult braces, teeth whitening, white fillings, crowns and veneers. There’s no need to go through life not quite happy about the way your smile looks with so many cosmetic dental treatments right on hand here at Smilecraft.

Treatments for seniors

As we get older, dentistry becomes more and more about getting teeth to last as long as possible, extending the life of teeth with crowns and replacing lost teeth with fixed bridgework, dentures and dental implants, which are fast becoming everyone’s first choice for tooth replacement.

Appointments everyone needs

Of course, everyone needs to come to the dentist in Stevenage at least twice a year for a check-up. This is so that we can spot problems early on and deal with them while treatment is still simple and inexpensive.

We also recommend a twice-yearly appointment with the dental hygienist. This is to remove plaque, which is the cause of many dental problems and builds up, no matter how well you clean your teeth.