How we meet our patients where they are

In an ideal world, we’d all have time, energy and motivation to look after the various aspects of our health, including teeth. The reality is that dental care is just one on a long list of things that individuals and families need to attend to. At Smilecraft, we spend time thinking about how our services can support people with accessing dental care in a way that is easy for them. To that end, here are some of the things we have come up with to meet people where they are when it comes to visiting the dentist in Stevenage.

Dentist in Stevenage

Excellent administration

When you visit the dentist in Stevenage, you will meet our friendly administration staff. They are the ones who make sure it’s easy for you to sign in and make your next appointments. The whole process is designed to be streamlined so we don’t take up any more of your time than is necessary. You can also use our online booking time to make your next appointment at a time that is convenient for you.

Patient hygiene

We know that hygiene is one of the primary patient concerns. You want to know that you are having your treatment in an environment that is clean and safe. Wherever we can, we use disposable, individually wrapped instruments for each patient. When this isn’t possible, we follow a rigorous decontamination procedure. You can read about this on our website and ask a member of staff at any time if you want to know more. Each person that you work with is highly trained in hygiene procedures and can address any concerns.


Of course, it’s much harder to make time to visit the dentist in Stevenage if you have anxiety around the process, or fear that you will be in pain during your appointment. When you visit Smilecraft, we can talk to you about all the sensation you might feel during treatment and give you the option to take a break or halt treatment at any time.

We also work with The Wand which is a pain-free injection system. Even if you need work that requires numbing, you won’t have to bear the pain of the injection to get the anaesthetic effects.