War of the worlds inside your mouth

Believe it or not over 700 different types bacteria have been detected in human mouths. Although the number in any one mouth is likely to be less than 72, it’s still a bit of a shock to find out we have a whole microbiotic world co-existing within us. Although most do no harm and are part of our natural biology, others directly attack our mouth, gums and teeth. The health of our teeth and gums is highly important if we want to lead a full, happy life without the fear of missing, decayed or stained teeth that spoil our smile and comprise the food we can eat, its therefore important that we maintain good oral health.

Dental Hygiene in StevenageIn Stevenage, dental hygiene appointments play a vital role in this battle of the mini worlds by keeping in check the little monsters that want to eat your teeth. At your dental hygiene appointment your dentist will remove any plaque build-up and give your teeth a thorough descale and polish.

We are here to support you

At Smilecraft, our dentists can support your ongoing oral health by providing tips and information on how to take care of your teeth and gums. We can help you improve your brushing and flossing technique to ensure cleaning your teeth and gums effectively.

Prevention is better than any cure, by following our advice and visiting us regularly you can ensure any red flags or issues with your teeth and gums can be treated quickly before it develops into a more serious condition. If you have dentures, bridges, crowns or implants you’ll also have specific oral health requirements which our dental hygienists can address and they can also provide you with ongoing support and information.

Setting all the family up for good oral hygiene

Our dentists encourage you to bring in your children for regular check-ups. Studies have shown that having positive dental experiences at a young age sets up a routine that will last a lifetime.

If you’d like to book a check-up and start the war on bacteria, ring our reception and they can book an appointment for you today.